Chicago and North Western System Rules Operating Department 1953
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Chicago and North Western System Rules Operating Department 1953
Chicago and North Western System Rules for the Government of the Operating Department
Hard Cover Approx 4 1/8 X 6 1/2
190 pages
Effective date January 1 1953
Abbreviations6 6a, 223
Absence from duty702
AccidentsF 800 to 808
Prevention of747c
Advertising matter861
Unauthorized persons distributing741, 860, 861
Air brake rules1070 to 1098, 1100
Alterations and repairs622, 625
Animals on trains913
Announcing stations936
Anticipated delays722
Appliances, signal7 to 10, 28, 221, 312, 336, 612, 825, 1050
Approaching end of double track, drawbridge, junctions,
RR crossings, etc14m, 17, 98, 98a
Approaching meeting points14n, S-90
Approaching highway crossings14, 747a to 747f, 1049
Approaching stations14m, 30, 30a, 107, 107a, D-107b, 936
Arriving time5, 82
Articles lost and found911
Ashpans, cleaning of516, 667
Attendants and caretakers93, 734
Automatic block system 501 to 501H
High interlocking home signal in506, 606
Aspects501A to 603C
Automatic train speed control529 to 529h
Failure of522, 529a to 529h
Freight passenger switch528
Main line test section529e
Restricted speed in523, 526
Speed control contact529
Snow plow equipped for527
Automatic train stop540 to 541
Action for failure en-route550
Speed restrictions550
Backing up7b, 12d, 14h, 16c, 17f, 17h, 19a, S-88, S-89
104e, 515, 670, 719, 747a, 748
Back up men1074
Baggage857, 913, 920, 922, 925
Baggage cars, passengers riding in903
Baggage rooms, persons present in739
Baggageman-train920 to 925
Bell, ringing of30, 30a, 32
Blank "R"S-83a
At intermediate station636
Backing into515
Control of326
Communicating code316a
To re-enter327
To secure the317, 320
Block signals, manual305 to 308
Aspects302a, 302c
Lights27, Requisites-Page 65
Location-C&NW . Requisites-Page 65
Location-CSTPM&ORequisites-Page 65
Manual block rules302 to 373
Movement of trains by251, 253, 254, 261, 261a, 261b, 263, 264, 361
Out of order312, 510
Tracks apply to508
Block station306
Closed343a, 373
Detention at372
Open306, 343
Record315, 315a, 319, 327
Reporting time in319
Unauthorized persons in344
Blue flags26, 26a to 26d
Blow off cocks, opening of516, 667, 1047
Boarding of cars, engines or trainsM, 714
Bolt locked switches513
Brakes852, 931, 932, 939, 1002
Air12, 14, 16, 102, 1070 to 1098, 1100
Hand103, 726, 752
Position on trains723, 724, 933, 934, 937, 939, 1005
Yard transfer service724
Defects inF 101a, 101b, 706, 713
Broken rails101
Bulletins, circulars, notices83f
Cab signals505, 505a, 524, 525, 526, 529
Call-on signals510b, 662
Caps903, 907
Bad order897, 957
Chaining of752
Cutting off in motion755
Distribution of897
Doors732, 921
Handling ahead of engine903
Handling behind caboose957
Inspection730, 898
Inspectors26 to 26c, 732
Loading and unloading726, 744, 856, 858
On industry tracks, etc726
Outfit and work726
Passenger, connected to engine25, 103a
Poling of746
Pushing24, 103, 718
Securing of103, 726
Shifting24, 103, 852
Switching 103, 726
Unsafely loaded962
Walking in front of714
Centralized traffic control401 to 408
Crossover movements in407
Failure of A.T.C. in529g, 529h
Hand signals404
Operation of signals and switches401, 402
Operator-operated interlockings408
Permission to pass stop signals404
Charcoal heaters749
Check of train registerS-83, S-83a, D-83
Cleaning ash pans516, 667
Clearing main track, reporting of365
Clearance form "A"83c, 83d, 210, 217, 221, 307, 318, 362, 366
Cancelling211a, 211b
OKing of211
Sample formPage 56
Clocks, standard3
Close clearancesM
Color light signalsRequisites-Page 65
Communications, failure of211, 214, 333
Communication signal rulesSee air brake rules
Company material854
Company property
Danger toM, 709
Return of703
Use of703
Comparison of time3
Closing freight car doors, responsibility for732
Flagman's duties, responsibility for725
Not familiar with territory720
Position on trains723
Conduct of employesK
Condition of toolsM
Couplers705, 714, 932
Coupling and uncoupling754, 805, 806
Couplers slipping by714a
CourtesyGeneral Notice, 704, 903
Crossings (at grade)
Approaching747a, 747f, 1049
Blocking and obstructing747h, 851
Cars left near726
Cutting726, 747h, 956
Leaving engines near1046
Movement over747d
Ringing of engine bell at30
Signals and gates33, 103b
Switching over103
Whistle signal14, 747a, 747b
Crossover movementsD-152, 511
Current of traffic
Moving againstD-152a, Form D-R, 773
Damage to property735
Dangerous conditions, reporting of705
Danger to company propertyL
Death, result of accident807
Defective tools and equipment806
Defective track, bridges, signals, etc705, 706
Definitions Pages 6 to 9
Delayed passenger trains, movement of712
Delivery of freight862
Deportment of employes705
Derails623 to 625
Detouring of trains83d, 721
Disappearance of employe or light7b
Disorderly persons905
Divulging information819
Diesel engines
Backing up719
Dead in trains731b
Left unattended1045
Station and freight house862
Doubleheading520, 540, 1084
Dragging equipment705
Drawbars, pushing over of, riding, etc.714
Drinking water on trains903
Dual control switches404
Operated by hand405,406
Dwarf signalsS10b, 512b, 662
Automatic train control520, 529h
Backing up17f, 719
Bell30, 30a, 747c
Blowing out boiler1047
Cutting off of748
Dead or disabled731d
Fireman handling1045
Flagging (signal) equipment on1050
Footboards, standing on714
Helper520, 540
Lookout ahead1042
Movement of663, 669, 672
Riding on1043
Supplies and tools on1050
Walking in front of714
Whistle signals14
Engine crews361 to 373, 660 to 672
Enginemen700, 1040 to 1050
Reading on duty743
Unfamiliar with territory720
Watch for signals724
Entering block between signals514
Changing places702
Conducting business at stationsK
Death of through accident707
Dismissed or hiring of701
Employment of minors737
Injury to804
ExaminationsC, 700
Exchanging duties702
Exchanging signals85, 723
Explosives and dangerous articles
Cut off in motion755
Handling in passenger trains750
Failure of communications211, 214, 333
Facing point lock
Disconnecting and repairs to623, 624
Firemen700, 724, 747c, 1040 to 1050
Fires and fire prevention709, 734, 1044
Flag stop6
Duties99, 99a, 99b, 725
Left behind100
Position on train99, 914, 934, 939
Flag protection, relief from93
Foggy weather712,825
Foreign cars, repairs to960
Blank "R"Page 63
Clearance Form "A"Page 56
Form 154Page 61
Form 19 Train OrderPage 64
Permissive Form "C"Page 58
Permissive Form "C-1"Page 59
Permissive Form "C-2"Page 60
Restrictive Form "B"Page 57
Train Register Check Form 1015Page 62
Forms of Train OrdersPages 44 to 54
Freight Brakemen1000 to 1005
Freight Conductors950 to 964
Freight cars in passenger trains907
Freight damaged and pilfered727
Frog clearance26
Frogs, walking on714
Full faced type5
Fusees11, 11a, 35, 99, 99a, 747h
Garnishments736, 738
Gates, highway crossings103b
General Orders83f
General NoticePage 3
General Rules Pages 5 to 6
Getting on front of engines or cars714,{715
Going between, over or under cars714, 714b
Grade signals50114, 510b
Hand baggage913, 931
Hand brakes103, 752, 852
Hand signals7, 12, 221, 329, 334, 343, 404, 628, 663
Headlights 17, 17c, 17g, 17h
Displayed on sidingS-17
Failure of17a
Red oscillating17b, 17c
Red non-oscillating17d
White oscillating17b, 17c
Heating passenger cars903, 931
Helper engines520, 540
High water101a, 710, 711, 713
Highway crossings, approaching14, 747a to 7471
Hogs, showering of731a
Hot boxes705, 960
Home signal371, 605, 606, 672
Hours of service act795
Identification of trainsS-90a
Identification numbers on engines19a
Improper conduct705
Incompetent persons on trains742
Indicators, switch502, 512a
Information to passengers904, 936
Initial station, leavingS-83, D-83
Injuries803 to 808
Inspection points705
Inspection of
Cars26, 852, 898, 902, 952
Passing trains321, 626, 705, 723, 724
Stations, yards, etc851
Trains26a to 26d, 321, 626, 705, 723, 724, 952, 1001, 1077, 1087
Inspection and repair protection26a to 26d
Insufficient clearancesM
Advancing on dwarf signal662
AspectsPages 100 to 113
Care of station lamps and supplies630
Changing route615
Damage to623
Derailment in623
Hand signal to pass628, 629, 663, 672
Movement through, after stop669, 670
Placing of lights in631
Over running signals in633
Reporting defects in622
Remote control, movement through 628, 663
Reverse movement in670
Sand, use of in,667
Stop indication660, 671
Interlocking stations
Presence in738
Block signal at636
Authority for closing635
Train order signal at221b, 636
Lights in 631
Unauthorized persons in634
Intoxicated persons on trains905
Jumping on or off cars or engines715
Knuckle, knuckle pin, adjusting of714
L. C. L. Freight855
Leaving time5 82
Legal proceedings736
Levers, position of313, 621
Operating of616,617
Lighting867, 903, 931
Live Poultry734
Down in cars731a
Injury to733
Running switches with755
Loading of cars744, 855, 866
Loading of freight855, 856
Locking freight houses862
Locking interlocking stations635
Locks, switch, missing or defective707
Loss of property911
Low temperatures712
Mail869, 870, 923
Markers19, 931, 1002
Mars light-rear.18
Manual Block rulesD-152a, 302 to 373, 529a to 529e, 529g
Material along tracks735
Meeting points5 S-89, S-90, S-90a, S-208, S-208a,
S-208d, S-208e, S-208f, 244, Form S-A, 362c
Delivery of816
Divulging contents of819
Handling by students824
Preserving and filing of819,820
Movement against current of traffic ....14q, 19, D-152a, Form D-R, 361, 366 Movement by train order 201 to 244 Moveable point frog
Repairs to624
Rule Number
Obedience to rules and instructionsB
Observing trains321, 322, 626, 705, 724
Observance of signals505, 605, 723, 1005, 1006, 1042
Obstructing passengers and crossings107a, 747g, 747h, 851
Operators311 to 344, 611 to 636, 710, 711, 810 to 825
Accepting train orders by812
Address of815
Dangerous conditions of trains, reporting322, 325
Handling train orders and clearances814
Hours of duty811
Reading on duty743
Reporting trains222, 319
Testing wires818
Transfer of orders by811
Watching passing trains321, 322, 626, 705
Weather conditions, reporting of825
Oscillating lights
Red17b, 17d, 18
Care of900
Ejected from trains905, 906
Handling of904, 905, 906
Injury to801
On freight trains734, 953
Riding on platforms, etc 903
Safety of903
Seating of903, 937
Passenger cars, cutting off of trains714c
Passenger trains
Freight cars in907
Moving for coal and water908
Moving while loading and unloading908
Passenger conductors900 to 914
Passenger trainmen930 to 940
Passing trains at stations107, 315, 362a, 382
Passing point5
Passing stop indication362a, 404, 509, 509a, 509b, 510, 663
Personal injuries
Care of800, 801, 802, 804, 805, 806
Reporting of801, 803, 805, 808
Witnesses to804
Permissive Form "C"317, 317b, 327, 335, 361, 362, 362b
Permissive Form "C-1"317a, 362, 362c
Permissive Form "C-2"327, 327a, 365
Permissive train order317, 317a, 317b, 327, 362, 362b
Perishable freight732
Pilfered freight727
Piloting trains106a, 721
Playing of games743
Poling of cars746
Preference to station platformsD-107b
Profane language704
Protection of freight and propertyL 709
Protection of trainsS-17, S-87, S-88, S-89, 91, 93, 98a, 99, 99a, 99c,
100, 101, 101a, 104e, 105, 106, D-152, 934, 1004
Race horses734
Railroad crossings14, 98, 98a, 672, 728
Railroad propertyM, 709, 861
Reading on duty743
Reduce speed signs10i
Register check, form 1015S-83, Form V
Regular stop6, S-208d
Releasing of books, records, etc.736
Repairs and alterations314, 622, 624, 625
Reporting accidents803 to 808
Reporting for duty901, 921, 930, 951, 1000, 1041
Reporting trains222, 244, 319
Reporting violations of rules and special instructionsE
Responsibility103, 104, 106, 336, 726, 808, 869, 897, 898,
900, 906, 920, 950, 1050, 1075
Restrictive form "B"333, 333a, 362
Restrictive speed11, 93, 93a, 98a, 101, 107,
509a, 509b, 513a, 523, 526, 662, 718
Reverse movement in interlocking670
Riding in Baggage, Express & Mail cars903
Riding on cars and engines714, 716, 717
Rough handling900
Rule booksA
Rules and special instructions
Employes subject toD
Carrying out ofE
Rules for employees in general ................................ 700 to 780
SafetyGeneral notice. M. 106, 106a, 108, 705, 711
714, 715, 716, 735, 900, 908, 931, 950
Sand, use of516, 667
Schedules4 5, 6, 82, 85, 94, 95
Schedule leaving time.92
Sections of trains20, 83, 95, 95a, Form F
Annullment ofForm K, 220
Designation on clearance83e
Designation in train orders206,218
Displaying signals to register stationS-96
Passing one section by another85, Form F
Assigned direction105
Setting out cars on964
Use ofS-88, S-89, 105, 326
Absence of27
Acknowledging14, 29, 723
Acting upon7a
Answer to14, 16
Appliances7 8, 9, 10, 28, 221, 312, 336, 612, 825, 1050
AspectsPages 66, 77 to 90, 100 to 113
Bell30, 30a, 32, 747c
Block251 to 254, 261 to 264, 305, 305a, 308, 311, 505, 508
Blue10, 26 to 26c
Cab signals .505, 505a, 526, 529
Call-on510b, 662
Calling by trainmen & enginemen34
Classification20, 21, 22, 23
Color lightRequisites-Page 65
Communicating16, 25, 1070 to 1098, 1100
Crossing14, 33, 103b, 747a to 747h
Day8 9 35, 99
Defects inF 312, 510
Engine whistle14
Exchanging85, 723
False clear529e, 775
Giving or placing...7 to 30, S-90, 99, 99a, 99b, 99c, 101, 628, 663, 669, 705,
723, 724, 726, 747a, 747b, 747c, 747f, 747h, 748, 753, 957, 1049
Governing spring switch510a
Green10, 10i, 20, 501c, 601c
Green and white10, 28
Hand, flag and lamp7 12, 19, 20, 21, 26, 26a, 26b, 26c, 28, 29, 99,
99a, 99b, 99c, 101, S-208a, 221, 329, 334, 343,
404, 628, 663, 726, 753, 957
Imperfectly displayed23, 27, 775
Interlocking601 to 672
Location of10i, Requisites-Page 65
Look out for72, 705, 723, 724, 1005
Markers on10h, Requisites-Page 65
Night8 9, 35, 99
Normal indication of221, 311, 611
Observance of7a, 7b, 313, 505, 605, 621, 723, 724, 1005
Purple10, 104d
Red10, 104b, 501a, 601a, 753
Semaphore27, Requisites-Page 65
Stopping for509, 660, 663
Train order221, 221b, 636
Whistle14, 17a, 99b, 747a to 747f, S-90
White17a, 21, 24, 726, 748
White (lunar)10g, 104c
Yellow10, 10i, 104c, 104d, 628, 663
Slow track10i
Smoking on dutyH
Snow plows, in ATC districts527
Special orders 83f
Speed restrictions10i, 101b
Standing near switches104a
Standard time1 2 3 778, 823
Station agents710, 711, 850 to 871
Station grounds735, 736, 851
Station platforms11a, 107, D-107b, 851, 857, 867, 908, 939
Station work726
Stop displayed, for train orders211
Stock down in cars731a
Stop for meals912. 936
Storms and reporting of101a, 710, 710a, 711, 712, 713, 747h, 825
Superiority of trainsS-71 to 73, 401, 505, 605
Supplies902, 952, 1050
Bolt locked513
Derail104a, 104d, 623, 624, 625
Disconnecting in interlocking624
Dual controlDefintion-Page 7, 404, 405, 406
Handling104, 104e, 104f, 404 to 408
Indicator512, 512a, 512b
Left open104
Lights27, 104b, 104c, 104d, 867
Locks26c, 104a, 707
Non bolt locked513
Position of104 to 104f, 404 to 408, 510a
Remote control104
Reporting out of order707
Responsibility for handling104
Run through623
Scale track729
Standing near104a
Spring104e, 104f, 510a, 512b
Target indications104b, 104c
Walking on, prohibited714
Students, telegraph824
Subpoenae of employes in legal matters736
Switching movements103, 103a, 104e, 104f, 714a, 726, 747d, 755
Switching at stations726
Telephone and telegraph
Offices, presence in739
Telegraph numerals825
Use of740
Ticket offices864
Presence in738
Tickets, sale of863
Places where applies5
Standard time1 2 3 778, 823
Time spacing91, 380 to 382
Abbreviations in6 6a
Change in4
Copy of, on dutyA
Notice of new4a
Receipt forForm T
Tobacco, use ofH
Token14f, 522, 541
ToolsM, 806, 952, 1050
Torpedoes15, 35, 99, 99a, 101, 748
Train Baggagemen920 to 925
Train bulletin boards83f
Train crews 361 to 373, 660 to 672
AnnullingForm K, 220
Arriving and leaving stations5 82
Backing up7b, 12d, 14h, 16c, 17f, 17h, 19a, S-88
S-89, 104e, 515, 670, 719, 747a, 748, 1042
Class ofS-71 to 73
Clearing superior86 to S-89
Delays to trains372, 613, 722
Detoured83d, 721
Disabled94, 102
Emergency stop17d, 102
Extra21, 73, S-83b, 85, S-87, S-88, 97, 206, Form G
Getting on and off715, 908
IdentificationS-83b, S-90a
Information, relative to777
Inspection26, 26a, 26b. 26c, 321, 626, 705, 898, 902, 932, 952, 1001
Leaving initial stationS-83, D-83, 83c, 952
Make up of731, 750, 897, 907
Meeting5 17, S-88. S-89, S-90, S-90a, Form S-A, 956
Movement ofF M, 82 to D-152a, 251 to 264
Movement in fog and storms101a, 711, 712, 713
Movement in yard limits93, D-93a
Overtaking another train94, 99, 99a
Recording and reporting222, 244, 319
Regular Definition-Page 8, 82, 206, 220
Safety of (responsibility for)106, 852, 900, 950
Section of........Definition-Page 8, 20, 83e, 85, 95, 95a, 206, 218, Form F
Spacing of91, 315, 362d, 380 to 382
Speed of10i, 11, S-90a, 93, D-93a, 101 to 101b, 509a,
509b, 529 to 529f, 550, 662, 663, 712, 713, 718, 900, 950
Standing at stationsD-107b, 747g. 908
Starting and stopping84, S-89, S-90, 660, 908
Superiority ofS-71 to 73, 401, 505, 605
Supplies on902, 952, 1050
Work97, Form S-H, Form D-H, 718, 771
Train control committee529f
Train dispatchers760 to 780
Train dispatching offices, presence in739,779
Train orders
Abbreviations in223
Accepting by operators211b, 812
Addressing of204, S-208, D-208, 217, Form J
Annulling220, Forms L and M
Authority for201
Become void220
Brakemen and firemen reading210, 935, 1003, 1048
Checking by dispatchers and operators206, 209b, 210, 241
Comparing220, 220a
Completing210, 211b, 213, 214, 217, 241, 242
Construction machine protection774
Copying202, 209, 209a, 209b, 210, 216
Delivery204, 204a, S-208, S-208c, 210, 216, 217, 218, 220, 241, 813
Designation of trains in206, 218, 768
Dispatchers record of205, 206, 216, 219a
Engine numbers in206
Errors in201, 209b
ExtraS-87, 97, 206, Form G
Exchanging85, 94, 220, Form F
Filing for record209, 217, 243
Forms of
AnnullmentForms K, L, M
ExtraForm G
HoldingForm J
MeetForm S-A
Movement against current of trafficForm D-R
PassingForm B
Register checkForm V
Right overForm S-C
Run aheadForm B
Run lateForm E
SignalForm F
SupersedingForm P
TimeForm E
Time-table receiptForm T
WaitForm E
Work extraForm S-H, Form D-11
Firemen reading1048
Fulfilling of220
Numbers and figures in206
Numbering of203
Operators handling814
Placing at meeting pointsS-208, S-208a, S-208d
Providing copies of204, 204a, S-208
Register checksS-83b, 220, Form V
Relaying of241 to 244
Repeating206, 210, 211 to 217, 219, 241
Sent to point of restrictionS-208, S-208a to S-208d
Rule Number
Showing to firemen and trainmen210
Signatures to201, 209, 209b, 210, 217, 219, 241
Slow order101b, 220
Time in206
To be delivered by another train217
Trainmen reading935, 1003
Transfer by operators811
Transfer to relieving crew220, 220a
Transfer by train dispatchers780
Transmission of201, 202, 206 to 210, 217, 241, 764, 769
Underscoring206, 216, 241
Understanding of935, 1003, 1048
"X-ing" of211b, 212, 213, 214
Train order offices open221a
Train order signal and light221, 221b, 636, 867
Train registerS-83, S-83a, D-83
Train registering ticket Blank RS-83a
Transportation904, 906, 936
Trespassers, injury to802
Trucks, Baggage, freight, etc 857
Tunnels14, 30
Turntables6a, 708, 708(a)
Turntable pit, entering of708(d)
Understanding duties and rulesGen. Notice, 763, 780, 871, 902, 906, 931, 952, 1050
UniformsJ, 901
Unlocking of passenger car doors903
Unusual events, reporting of 866
U.S. Postal Laws and U.S. Mail869, 870, 923
Use of sand516, 687
Vehicles at stations, parking of868
Ventilation902, 903, 931
View obscured26, 99, 99a, 712, 747f, 747h, 748, 753
Wages, assignment & garnishment of730
Walking around engines and cars714h
Washouts101a, 710, 711, 713, 825
Certificate of inspection2
Comparing time2
Watchmen, crossing33
Watching for signals7a, 703, 723, 724, 934, 1004, 1005, 1042, 1049
Watching trains321, 322, 626, 705, 939, 1005, 1042
Waybills853, 954, 958
Weather conditions & weather reports.99, 99a, 101a, 710, 710a, 711, 712, 713, 747h, 748, 763, 825, 857
Wheels sliding1083
Whistle, sounding of14, 31, 32, S-90, 99b, 747a to 747f, 1049
Work cars718, 726
Work reports on engines529e
YardsDefinition-Page 9, 93, D-93a, 897, 898
Yard masters895 to 898
Yard men700, 724
Yard Engine foremen & Yard helpers1105
Yard limits
Occupying main tracks in93
Trains moving in93
Moving against current of traffic inD-93a
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